Google Keyword Planner Estimates Are Based On Organic Search Data

This article was wrong and Google told us Keyword Planner data does indeed use organic search data, like Bing does.

Here is an update from Google’s John Mueller:

There was some confusion about where the Google Keyword Planner tool gets their estimates. Is it based on organic searches or does Google only look when there are ads available for those keywords. The answer is, only for ads – not organic search.

Glenn Gabe responded to Robb about this on Twitter after he asked the question on the Friday Google hangout where John Mueller said he doesn’t know about the ad tools. Glenn said he asked several AdWords reps who told him that it was paid search only. Clearly the AdWords reps don’t know what they are talking about…


Whereas the Bing tool does use organic, unpaid ad, traffic to provide their data. Googleuses only paid ads to do their estimates.

Good important distinction between the tools if you are unaware of it.

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